Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Romance isn't dead...

I know of only three truly extraordinary relationships. I guess most would say I was lucky to know at least three relationships that were successful. I've often wondered what element is so instrumental in achieving such bliss. My powers of observation yielded this...respect, companionship (they truly enjoy each other's company), trust, love and great sense of humor. Surely there are other factors, but these are the most evident. They truly respect each other. With an unbelievable sense of equality! Never mind that their differences compliment each other very well. They also laugh at lot and are playful. Communicative skills surpass all others. I've even witnessed brutal truths and somehow the resiliency is overwhelming. An uncanny ability to agree to disagree on matters. Silly things. Like food or who they think is hot. They are confident when they are with and away from each other. And only one of these relationships is a reflection of my generation. The other two are my parents generation. One of those couples being my parents. Since all five of my brothers and I left home, my parents have reconnected on the most incredible level. They are one of those cute old couples that is actually growing old together and happy. There's is of a truly fortuitous nature.

So sometimes when I think I watch too many romantic comedies or read too many fairytales to indulge the hopeless romantic residing in me. (Yes, despite all the pain and the failed relationships) When I look around I still believe chivalry isn't dead. I still believe we all will get the chance to be happy. Perhaps there are no fairytale endings. Maybe, hopefully it will play out more like a romantic comedy. Maybe it will just be a new story to tell. Yeah. I like that...

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...