Monday, February 8, 2010

Approval from friends and family...

I have been a slacker! It's been days since I've been on here and shame on me.

A friend of mine is seeing this guy. Their relationship is fresh and fairly new...seeing each other for a little over a month. Things seem to be going well...for now. But it's an awkward sticky phase. Kind of that point where you don't know where you are yet. Things are going good and you want them to progress but progress to what exactly? There are still some individually complicating issues, and that uncertainty of what the other one is thinking or wanting. Signs are there that say maybe but at the same time - it's oh so confusing. The sex is phenomenal...and even the friendship is gaining momentum and building. He seems to be caring and thoughtful and she goes out of her way for him. But where is it going? Who knows? Guess we all just have to wait and see what happens... Neither of them wants the pressure of a relationship. Oddly, it seems they're both kind of fighting something that may be a good thing. And furthermore, what kind of advice is ole boy getting from his friends? Her friends tell her to date other guys - don't limit yourself, you owe him nothing. But inherently she can't help but feel drawn to him and feel as though she'd be disloyal in dating other guys. Is he in fact dating other women? Is he testing her? They get along just fine...but I think maybe the next step is exposing each other to their friends.

Why do our friends and family have such a great impact on how we will or won't accept that somebody new? For some of us our friends have been along for the ride since we were children. We have close families and we share intimate details of our lives with friends and family. Sometimes they see something we may not be capable of seeing. It doesn't mean their word is the 'be all end all' but we do value their opinion. Do your friends and family have an impact on whom you may or may not get involved with?

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...