Saturday, September 10, 2022


I know a little something about this thing called unconditional true love; and all three of them have given me e v e r y t h i n g in this life and in the next. If I died tomorrow, I would die happy and my heart fulfilled.  I wasn’t a perfect mom but oh how my love never wavers, I know in my heart and in theirs that if I never did anything right, I am right by how I love them. I hope I never made them feel unloved by me. If I did I am profoundly and eternally sorry. I love each without boundaries and I can be overwhelming and dramatic, I always sought redemption for things I wish they never had to endure. I failed them, but my god I pray they know I love them. 

From the moment each of them opened their eyes and took their first breath my world changed. Before they were just this little dream growing inside me. The excitement of not knowing that they would all become the amazing people they are today, right now. They still change my life every day, and when I really look at them, there so much joy for my heart. They sometimes catch me staring at them, and get annoyed. They just don’t know how incredible they are yet. 

How do I begin to explain the absolute delight of loving them so completely? I am eternally grateful for the miracles that you all are in my life. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom.

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