Saturday, January 30, 2010


SO you come to a point where you realize you can't go on respecting yourself and loving yourself being in a "casual" relationship. If you know what you're worth and you know what you want. Some of us just aren't built for casual relationships. Sometimes we believe intimacy is more than just sex. Spending time together and sharing things about your life - that's intimacy. It's the first steps in building a relationship. When you find someone that you really like and as you learn more about them you can't help but feel that there could be something more. Why else would they be sharing those things with you if they weren't seeking the same thing? Of course the moment you start to feel any sense of closeness in a brand new relationship - and you're not ready, you pull away. Are any of us content with being the right now...while the one we're with is waiting for something better to come along. Maybe we weren't the "right" one..which hurts. Wouldn't it be better to sit down and air it you can figure out whether or not you want to invest any more time and effort? Better now than a whole lot more hurt later. Then again - who knows?!!

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...