Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lunar Eclipse

On Wednesday, there is a lunar eclipse.  Why is this so important to me?

Because I'm obsessed with the moon.  My Moon.  In truth, a lot of the flow of my life ebbs with the moon.  I don't know why or how but I think there's always celestial involvement.  Maybe just because I want to believe...

Lunar eclipse's occur when the earth's shadow blocks the sun's light on the moon.  There are three types of lunar eclipses - total, partial and penumbral (early wee morning hours before dawn).  Wednesday will be a penumbral eclipse.  So I'll be up at the butt-crack of dawn, to see it.  Eclipses only happen when there's a full moon.  It is a true phenomenon.  Most people don't stop to think about that aspect, though. 

"Because the moon’s orbit around Earth lies in a slightly different plane than Earth’s orbit around the sun, perfect alignment for an eclipse doesn’t occur at every full moon. A total lunar eclipse develops over time, typically a couple hours for the whole event. Here’s how it works: Earth casts two shadows that fall on the moon during a lunar eclipse: The umbra is a full, dark shadow. The penumbra is a partial outer shadow. The moon passes through these shadows in stages. The initial and final stages — when the moon is in the penumbral shadow — are not so noticeable, so the best part of an eclipse is during the middle of the event, when the moon is in the umbral shadow.

Total eclipses are a freak of cosmic happenstance. Ever since the moon formed, about 4.5 billion years ago, it has been inching away from our planet (by about 1.6 inches, or 4 centimeters per year). The setup right now is perfect: the moon is at the perfect distance for Earth’s shadow to cover the moon totally, but just barely. Billions of years from now, that won’t be the case."

As I've stated a hundred times before - I think (believe) that the planets and moon do have an impact on human behavior.  Have I found circumstantial evidence - absolutely not, but I don't need it. Faith is blind.  It's an idea.  In truth there's little scientific research now in celestial movement and it's effects on human moods. 

While there's nothing to back it up.  Here are a few beliefs that go hand in hand with a full moon, let alone a lunar eclipse. 
  • It was thought that pregnant women should not be out in the open air, during a full moon.  As it was said that if they did, their unborn child would have either physical or mental defects and their children too would have physical and/or mental defects.  
  • Hindus believe neither food nor water is edible during a full moon. 
  • There is strong evidence that the full moon affects menstrual cycles and fertility.
  • Some believe that during an eclipse there were more heart related diseases, breathing trouble, coughs, colds, insomnia, stress, impatience, insecurity, indecisiveness, fear and mood swings.  That exposing yourself to open lunar eclipse may even lead to mental imbalance and lunacy.  (lots of people like to blame their behavior on a full moon - it's even worse during an lunar eclipse)
  • Doctors were far more leery and less likely to operate during a full moon or a lunar eclipse.  It was thought that the blood didn't coagulate correctly or might be tainted.  Patients tended to bleed more heavily, less controllable like the tides in the ocean. 
  • Having heart surgery during a lunar eclipse, sometimes meant less recovery time spent in the hospital and it was even thought that patients would be less likely to die during surgery than other patients having surgery during other moon phases.
  • There's an uptick or increase in the number of babies being born during a full moon.
  • Also believed that the full moon has an affect on sleeping habits. 
I personally, like to believe there's truly positive vibes and positive energy that come from/with the lunar eclipse.  So I offer something else worth considering and it certainly doesn't hurt to try... 

"The Lunar Eclipse meditation:
You can do this anytime between the Lunar Eclipse and the next New Moon.  Think of the things in your life you would like to bring to a close, finish, or end. That contract you want to get signed, that job you want to finish. That guilty feeling. That unhealthy relationship. That nasty smoking habit.
Take some time to sit in a quiet space and breathe. Visualize the inner workings of that habit, the issue, the situation, as people. Give them names and faces! My addicted smoker and my inner doctor. My gentle self and my angry self. Visualize them each holding one end of a rope, like a tug of war. They can see each other now, how can they better understand one another? How can they work together to achieve balance? Picture each one gently dropping their end of the rope.
You have just asked for assistance from the universe to clear out old energies and make room for the things you want to bring in. There is great power in this request."

To me, because it happens at the beginning of Spring, I believe it's definitely an indicator of winter coming to a close.  I'd like to believe it's symbolic of new beginnings, fresh starts and abundant life.  Caterpillars becoming butterflies, vibrant lovely flowers in bloom everywhere, fresh green leaves and rain that renews the soil and earth. 

Wishing you all great and wonderful new beginnings and hoping you try to see the beautiful lunar eclipse, a real phenomenon.

- See more at: http://www.mollysastrology.com/astrology-tutorials/eclipse

- See more at: http://www.space.com/15689-lunar-eclipses.html#sthash.usj6Z8ve.dpuf

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