Sunday, January 7, 2024

Grow up

Real photography uses filters and all kinds of lenses. Filters are presets on all smartphones. And please don’t say we are not photographers, because we are - and filters and lenses are just another an extension of that creativity.

We photograph and film everything. We take pics of our families, our homes and decorations, our food, our friends, our pets, special events, and sometimes just because we are bored. And We ALL use angles and lighting because we ALL want to present well. 

Honestly I’m not sure why people care so much if someone posts a photo where it is obvious they have used a filter? Personally, sometimes I wanna see what I look like with green hair but I don’t want to dye my hair green because I don’t want to look like a troll. Or maybe I want to take a black n white noir photo with my dog.

I see a lot of shaming of filtered selfies or boasting about a pic with no filter. Who cares! You do what you want and they do what they want. You are surrounded by people in the real world, if it bothers you so much go interact with them instead of shaming people.

If someone wants to feel a little better about themselves in a pic with a filter, I say let them do what makes them happy. And. Since so many rely on getting a seratonin boost from social media, what difference does it make? Why do you have to compare yourself to someone else?

Please don’t try to act like you don’t want to look good in a photo. That you don’t brush your hair or wear makeup, or show off getting your nails done or that new hairdo or your new shoes or that you didn’t angle that photo that way on purpose. These are also extensions of our creativity.

I don’t understand why there’s so much hypocrisy. That shaming of others shit just tells me that you like to put others down to make yourself feel better. And that you spend a lot of time judging others for something that you either don’t realize you also do on some level or are just trying to take away from the attention someone else is getting because they look good in a filtered photo. 

Grow up! We are not in junior high anymore for fucks sake.

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