Friday, January 29, 2016

That's what it's all about...

It was a long drive.  Some days, I enjoy driving.  Especially if there's good company and/or great music.  This was one of those days.  Traffic was a nightmare.  Florida bi-polar weather and rush-hour traffic - ah yes, even so.  I cherish the moments I get to spend with my younger brother.  He's brilliant and he's funny, and modest so it makes for riveting conversation.  It also helps that musically, our tastes are very similar.  Yes, we even belted out a few songs together. 

Giving credit where credit is due.  My brother said the funniest thing.  We had been deep in conversation, covering many a subject matter, thinking on things and he says... "you know what I think?"  me: "NO, what do you think?"  Him: "You know what it's all about?  I think the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about."  After a few minutes of laughter, he told me I should blog about it.  Why not?  What if the Hokey Pokey is really what it's all about?!!!  I can't even articulate the moment, but it was hysterical.  (to us) 

I will not likely do it the justice he could or spin it quite as well - but, here goes nothing...

Psychotherapy As a Performing Art.  Argued as a lesser used perception, but considered to hold leverage over others is the Arts or Performing Arts as Psychotherapy.  Yes.  It's not necessarily in the entertainment itself or the distraction or amusement of the audience, nor is it in the engagement of therapist or individual in therapy or in live performance by therapist as audience and individual performing it. 

Consider this, two people meet at a designated area, specifically for a designated activity, with designated technique, started at a designated time.  (i.e. dancing)  Traditionally, one dancer leads (usually the better) and the other follows.  All part of the formality of the dance.  Then there's the abstract where a dance can be brought to life by the two persons (think the Tango or the Waltz).  The method of therapy, much like the type of dance chosen serves as the template for interaction. "The dance offers approbation of certain behaviors, exclusion of others.  Within these parameters, space is reserved for spontaneous and artful interaction.  Thus, through skillfully executed techniques, the dancers are revealed as the person-cum-artists. Likewise, the person of the therapist is revealed and the person of the one in therapy is acknowledged in the artful execution of psychotherapy."  ... .  "The analogy under discussion could be extended to include group psychotherapy by considering group dances, .. the Bunny Hop, the Hokey Pokey, the Electric Slide, etc..."

It's a behavioral momentum.  It is abstract thinking, people love doing it and it provides a feeling of camaraderie.  It's a simple, silly, little novelty dance we all learn as children and strangely, most of us don't flinch at doing.  An action like a group dance activates the same brain circuitry in all the individuals dancing or even if the individuals watching others dance.  It's an action observation network and it creates an atmosphere of joy and comfort.  Next time you do the Hokey Pokey, look around - you'll see most people are smiling, either while dancing or just watching.  My point is, the Hokey Pokey is Hokey and it's fun and you're more likely to get more people to join in the Hokey Pokey than you will in the Electric Slide or more so than other potential group activities.  It has substantial health benefits.  If it makes you smile, then I guess That's what it's all about!!.  Right?!   so....

You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,
You do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.
2) left hand
3) right foot
4) left foot
5) head
6) butt
7) whole self

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The Psychology of Artists and the Arts, by Edward W. L Smith


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