Friday, January 8, 2016

Karmic Connections...

Everyone always says they're 'fine'.  It's our standard uniform response to those with even the kindest of intentions.  On occasion, someone may prod a little further, seeing your pain just below the surface.  And for a few moments, we consider unloading ourselves with that heavy burden we carry, but we don't want our pain to destroy other people.  We know sharing it may even begin the process of healing.  Some of us will unburden our shattered hearts.  It's the only way the healing can begin.  Some of us will stuff it down, churn on it and let it fester.  Some of us will channel the emotions so that they reach new heights to yield more positive growth.

Growth can be painful, most often because it also brings about change.  Fighting change is futile, it's inevitable, change is something we all need, to build a better self.  It's far more painful to stay stuck somewhere you don't belong or never grow.  We don't experience personal growth, if things come easy.  Growth comes from being challenged.  We can choose to turn those challenges into opportunities.  We must also learn to let go of the things we can not change, so we can focus on the things we can. 

People change, things go wrong, shit happens.  But life most definitely still goes on.  We can choose, to either let those things define us, destroy us or strengthen us.  Sometimes, the weight of our sadness sends us plummeting on a downward spiral.  We think we can't live without something or someone.  When the tears start to dry and light travels into the darkest corners, you begin to realize you're still breathing, you're still alive and you still have to go on.  You'll struggle.  One day may be easy and the next, could be worst day of all, but you find strength.  You remember who you are, where you're going, where you've been and you just... know...that it will all be okay.

I used to believe in soul mates.  As I look back on my life to see where I've come from - I believe I've had more than one.  And for all the times I've ever heard about a 'soul mate' in life, I was left with the impression that we only have that 'one'.  Of course, I had to research, I know there has to be something that speaks to this... I can't be the only one, that believes they've had more than one soul mate.  I was so relieved. 

“A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake,” author Elizabeth Gilbert said. “But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.” (World of Psychology, 'Soul Mates: Do they really exist?' by Lauren Suval)

A lesson has to be learned and a debt repaid.  It's the karmic connection.  I had never read that previously, that the purpose of soul mates was to bring attention to yourself.  We get to experience a very personal connection with someone and it changes us forever. But our soul mate doesn't stay?  They must move on?  They're supposed to wake you up and bring you to a whole new awakening in your life.  It's quite sad but at the same time it makes more sense to me than the idea of you'll only meet one soul mate.  I loved it, it brought my shattered heart much needed peace.  I needed to hear it, even if it wasn't true, I want to believe it.   

Of course, there's also still the belief that there's the 'one' person that lifts you up and brings positive energy to your life, but typically this isn't always the person you expect it to be.  Look around, you'll find it's a friend or a family member, like a parent or even a child, maybe your best friend.  And then, there's the twin souls.  Someone who very much so mirrors you, and even with distance between you and this person, the distance changes nothing of your connection.  I know of both in my life as well.  And while they speak to me, it's not as loud as the karmic connection.  Perhaps, I relate more to this because of what is transpiring in my life. 

My shattered heart will heal.  Life is full of struggles and there are many storms.  There are also many rainbows to look forward to and times of peace, beyond the struggles.  I'll hold onto hope and smile as I take the next step forward in my life. 

“My soul was a burden, bruised and bleeding. It was tired of the man who carried it, but I found no place to set it down to rest. Neither the charm of the countryside nor the sweet scents of a garden could soothe it. It found no peace in song or laughter, none in the company of friends at table or in the pleasures of love, none even in books or poetry... Where could my heart find refuge from itself? Where could I go, yet leave myself behind?” ~ Wally Lamb

As with any journey, who you travel with is just as important as where you're going, so long as you remember it's not just the destination.  No one wants a wealth of regret because you didn't risk everything.  Some people are meant to always be a part of your life, and some people just pass through and some people will teach you the greatest lessons of your life and leave.  It's your journey, make every step, every breath, every moment of your journey something to be proud of - if the journey isn't a wondrous adventure, how can the destination be?


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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...