Wednesday, May 25, 2016

pieces of me

Damn, she thought to herself - he's a little bit messy, a little bit ruined and a beautiful disaster.  What if his crazy matches her crazy? 

Reading what he wrote should not have had any impact on her.  She was way too guarded to allow feelings.  After-all, the cup runneth over and there were more than a few trying to woo her.  Most of them she deleted, sadly, many wouldn't make the cut.  Some knew all too well all the right things to say - she was gullible, and a romantic - eventually she would catch on.  There's a difference between a man that was truly interested and a man that just wanted her.  She had learned her lessons in life, not all men said what they meant and not everyone was honest.  She was like a child, often indulged by the idea of magic and romance, so she wanted to believe. 

He was different and she immediately knew that - something in his eyes, despite not wanting to, she was intrigued.  Guarded, she held back and waited for patterns to emerge.  A few patterns had reared up, but for some reason she carried on exchanges, anyway.  They had communicated previously, she'd even read his words before.  He was an intellectual, but bigger than that his confidence was unlike other confident men.  He was good-looking and funny and kind.  He was a father and a good one. The attraction wasn't earth shattering, it seemed more familiar, than anything.  Though his gaze could made her cheeks flush red and that was strange and truly unusual.

Why did his words whisper to her?  It was embarrassing and she rarely got embarrassed.  Reading his words had brought her to tears and it had been a long time since someone had reached through and penetrated those walls she built so high around her heart.  What if - she thought, what if there was more to him...    She thought she'd give a bit more time to probe and creep.  Maybe just sit back in silence and watch for a while.  Nothing could happen now anyway.  She needed that time to herself.  No one would ever be strong enough to break down her walls anyway. 

She was done trying to build, love and lift everyone.  She had loved hard, she had loved without boundaries and she knew it was going to take everything she had - she knew he'd be broken in places too.

She was done giving little pieces of herself away.  She needed a man, that would help pick up those pieces, that would understand and relate to the pain in those broken pieces, that would kiss them knowing it would never heal them, but recognized her heart was so big she'd make room - she needed that.  She needed someone that was going to fight for her - even if it meant fighting her.  And she never needed anybody!!  She needed a man that would shout from rooftops and make her feel like she was the most important thing in the world.  She was done.  For as much as she believed in love and romance, it was going to take one hell of a man to make her believe in him and not just something she hoped for...


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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...