Friday, August 28, 2015

Playing Princess

Wikipedia says:
Princess sickness (or princess syndrome, Chinese: 公主病; princess disease, Korean: 공주병) is a term used to describe the psychological phenomenon affecting females, especially teenagers, and can be characterized by numerous physiological disorders, including narcissistic personality disorder, egocentrism and histrionic personality disorder, consequently resulting in individuals acting like or believing that they are "princesses".

Similarly, males with resembling characteristics are regarded as having "prince sickness."

Urban Dictionary says:
A mental state that a female exhibits out of reverse sexism. Because she is unaware of her sexism, she will claim to deserve supreme aristocratic rights from a partner due to her looks or her child-bearing "pain." Any brainwashed man will give her tangible things and emotional sublimity to stop her, and she will only demand more.

"Look at that lady; I'd go out with her, but she's got princess syndrome. Hookin' up with a good lookin' / intelligent guy like me would just make her condition worsen."

What is going on with parents today? Are we really raising a mass of over-privileged vacuous females with a hyper-glorified sense of worth? This is real. This is happening! This isn't in our psychology books yet, either. It's still being researched and studied. And boy, do we have plenty of subjects to provide for the research.

Where did this come from? Who can we blame? Walk into any retail store, check out t-shirts for girls, what do they say? "too pretty for homework"  We've instilled in our little girls that they are as precious as princesses. Being Daddy's little princess or Mommy's little princess is fine, but there's another message being delivered to our daughters here. How many Disney movies are about princesses? 20 - and that's just Disney!!! Truth is - it's our fault. We are their parents, and we are allowing it.

Can you imagine what these girls are going through psychologically?? If a little girl doesn't fit the bill for a 'fairy-tale princess', imagine how she's beating herself up. Imagine the long-term damage we are allowing the liberal media to impress on our daughters. What are you going to do to stop it? How are you going to keep your daughter from being affected by all these negative influences? How can we avoid this? How can we shield our daughters from this? And if you're going to empower this behavior, then you'd better be damn sure the message you're sending your daughter is that she needs to build her kingdom, herself.

Create real ways for your daughter to develop self-esteem. Help her develop skills that are real. Teach her that she can not expect things from life or from people. The world isn't going to bow at her feet and people are not going to fawn all over her. Beauty can only take you so far in life. Teach her she is beautiful for the right reasons, not just how she looks. I'll admit, this is no easy task. Society seems to celebrate the superficial. Teach her that if she wants something badly, make her question why she wants it. Then let her figure out what the necessary steps and effort are needed to make it happen. Teach her to seek out her individual strengths and skills.  Show her its okay to be independent and rely on herself.  Her image of herself is important, more so than how others see her.

You are her parent. Look around. We are surrounded by younger generations of self-entitled human beings. These kids aren't bad people, but this really can't be healthy.  And it only leads to more narcissistic behavior. You, as parents, should be providing the fundamental development to help her grow and become a lady. 

Am I alone in seeing this Princess Syndrome everywhere? 

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