Thursday, August 6, 2015

Eternally Grateful

I like to count my blessings daily, to put things in perspective, to reflect on why I do certain things and how happy and grateful I am or need to be, I like to reflect on how far I've come in my life and where my priorities are or need to be? I re-evaluate my goals and dreams constantly. I look to shed worry, anxiety and negativity. I often find myself questioning my choices, sacrifices, loyalty, and honesty? And not just from mine but from others.
Then, in the course of reaching out - out of nowhere, the little people I've dedicated my whole life to raising and loving, my single biggest and most important priority - steal my breathe away and say something so profound and something so incredibly beautiful it touches the depths of my soul, my heart bursts and my eyes fill with tears of joy. It replenishes and renews my faith and reminds me just why I did all the things I did and why I still do them. Nothing else seems to matter! Just those imperfect, perfect little people I love with every fiber of my being. They love me as I am, unconditionally and there's nothing else anywhere that begins to compare to that (there is truly no other kind of unconditional love I've ever known, than that of parent to child, child to parent) - I find myself eternally grateful for them, they are my greatest, most sacred blessings!

And all because in one single day...

She said something, something would infinitely change the way I saw my little girl but now see a young lady - I know she's strong, stubborn, courageous and fiercely independent. I know she possesses the strength to push her further than most will ever dream. She'll never settle and she'll never take crap from anyone, as tough as she is, she's got a heart of gold, and she feels everything deeper than most people. She will be the young lady, I raised her to
be. She will follow her dreams and do everything within her power to be a light for herself and others to see through darkness.

Then, He said something, even mature grown men can't grasp the idea. I know he will be the man I raised him to be. Courageous, heroic to a fault, a protector, a guardian for all those plagued by injustice, with values and morals. He'll stand alone if he has to to defend what he believes. More importantly he will push himself to be the man we all envision him to be.

My little man has yet to show just us all just how great he will be. As he is now, he is the absolute sweetest child. He couldn't hurt a fly. He is always worried about hurting people, he may truly have the biggest heart of all. His loving ways and ability to deliver a message or say things will hopefully catapult him forward in his life. He's very much his big brother and sister, as much as he is me.

In those few moments, They free me and allow me to forgive myself for choices I had made in my life, choices I knew would directly affect them some day - ones they would either hate me for or thank me for - and just like that every sacrifice, every lesson, every time my parenting came into question - it was all for this. All for this! The greatest gift is to love and be loved - and as a parent, it's even greater!

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...