Saturday, April 3, 2010

Must love music

I'm so very tainted from chic flicks and romantic comedies. Got to love them, but my favorites are action or horror. Desperately trying to refrain from tears as I watch John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale find each other in 'Serendipity' also referred to as "a fortunate accident". Uh-yeah I need to let it go since I've seen it a dozen times. John Cusack is dreamy. At least I think he is from the characters he's portrayed. But I digress.

Thinking, as these types of movies often force me to do, about what it is I want. For starters...a companion, share secrets and inside jokes. Someone that will laugh with me (or at me) just gets my self-depricated twisted humor...and is witty and funny. Honesty, yes sometimes it hurts but its the Truth. Give me my space and take time for your own interests. I dont need you to define me. Enhance my life, make me want to be a better person. Have your own friends, we don't need to be attached at the hip. NO jealousy or possessiveness. Must love music. Passion, a perpetual burning flame. Must love kids. Patience. Loyalty. Intelligent...most definitely intelligent. Blow my mind and the rest of me will follow. Sex drive...well it had better be an insatiable appetite. Flawed with life experience, just not bitter and hateful. Understand I am flawed - far from perfect. There's a story there and it's a big part of the fabric and edifice of my essence and being. It's in the past...take me as I am, don't try to change me - I don't want to change you.

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