Thursday, April 21, 2016

...oh the distractions...

What can you do in a world drowning in distractions?

What can't you do?!  Everyone these days has their head buried in their phone or some other electronic device.  So just about everybody should be a master at multi-tasking, right!  If you can walk and be looking at your phone, you've just mastered a new skill.  (as to what skill it might be?)  The worst ones are the drivers that are texting.   I won't deny, I am guilty on occasion.  *Shame on me!  I can be sitting at a stop light and continue texting as the light changes.  Very bad - I'm a horrible person and what's worse I'm obviously totally distracted while I'm driving a vehicle that weighs over a ton and can easily kill you or me.  I need to put my phone down*

We all need to put our phones and devices down.  Let's pay attention to what's going on all around us.  You probably just missed a gorgeous sunset, or a beautiful rare butterfly fluttering by, or maybe the love of your life was looking at you, waiting to be noticed - but you were buried in your phone.  Will you get a do-over?  Will you get a second chance to go to your friends party instead of staying home with your computer?  We are missing out on beauty everywhere because we are so hung up on our devices.  True story!  This is also a confession!

How do you get good positive attention in a world so distracted??   Everyone seems to be on some social media platform.  The big question is - why do we enjoy so much of these kinds of distractions?  In a world full of people constantly screaming out in need of affection and attention, we tend to focus on things that are anything but... (I'm about to rant...)

Okay.. burning question....(eh hem - clears throat) - I'd like to know why guys send pictures of body parts?  Seriously!  Direct messages with... uhhm... yeah with pictures.  No - prefacing anything, no hey nice to meet you, I'm so and so.  Nope.  Just dirty pictures...  Guys, you're going to have to trust me, women aren't going to fall all over themselves and grab the nearest vibrator and go to town because you've sent a picture of your penis, your anus or your balls.  (never say never - I've been wrong before)  I promise you though, not a lot of women will see that and think, 'oh God I must meet him'.   NO!  I know I have personally deleted and immediately blocked you.  It is NOT okay! 

OKAY!  So, not only do you have every online dating option in the world.  But every social media outlet is a mecca for dating.  The problem isn't the problem, the problem is your attitude with the problem.  Not every girl or guy is DTF.  Some of us would like a little romance in our life and we'd like to perhaps even date.  I personally would love poetry and music and for the record - no - 2 or 3 days after I've met you - online, I do NOT want to send you naked pictures of myself.  We are not dating either, that's a rapid attachment.  Besides, I'd like to think I'm not that kind of girl in real life, let alone hiding behind a social media outlet.  Call me boring, I'm kind of still in love with the idea of exploring someone's body while making out for the first time.  But have I?  Have I started a conversation or two via a DM (direct message) yes... (I'm a firm believer in testing theory) has it worked out - absolutely not! 

Truth is - I'm not at all ready to date.  Not even pretend dating online or via some social networking.  Truth is when I am ready - I probably won't go this route, either.  I'm just too old fashioned and too much of a hopeless romantic to buy into this millennial mindset way of dating.  It's too antiquated.  I like talking to someone.  I like the idea of physicality.  I like smiling and gauging a reaction while in real conversation.  I want to know everything I can about you. (hey - I'm from the 80's we were all borderline stalkers then)  Body language is paramount, it tells if they're attentive, if they are into me.  I like to see the eyes and hear the voice.  Some things just can't be communicated via technology.  I don't know.  Maybe it's because I'd like to be thought of as more than just a means to an end, more than an object.  Maybe I have something to bring to the table and I'd like to find a nice guy.  I don't know!  Maybe I'll give it one more shot.  Not a whole lot of luck yet and I feel like a creeper at this point.  Not to mention - how would I know how many other girls you're talking to...  how would anybody know??  There's just so much room for dishonesty here. 

Circling back to my original thought.  How will all this distraction help you find 'the love and affection' we all seem to be searching for?  How will you find that one person that you can maybe call your boyfriend or girlfriend?  No wonder everyone is so filled with mistrust!!!  Most guys are just waiting for that one cute girl that's going to give up the most, once she does then they're onto another girl or perhaps back to the other girl they were already talking to, while you were sending naked pics!  Gotti!  And us ladies - we are wretched, we want to see how far we can push a guy, how much money does he have, if we can get dinner out of him and basically what can he do for us before we get bored and move on.  (I don't subscribe to this mentality - what's wrong is wrong)  It's so defeating and it taints the water for the rest of us that would love to meet someone.  It's the most retarded display of showing someone you're interested.  Defeats the purpose altogether, I say.  Plus there's a dozen different memes saying, 'go ahead like 5 pictures, DM me, fuck me - rinse and repeat'.  How can any of you take anybody seriously??   It's so ridiculous.  I just don't know how I'm going to do this and take anyone seriously...  I'm so tired of being guarded!!

It's the saddest thought ever... but...   Even knowing the truth, it won't change a thing - none of us are willing to put our devices down. We will continue to drown in a world full of distractions and we will become less trusting, less social and a whole lot lonelier.  We hold our technology closer to us than the people that mean the most.  It's incredibly sad when you look around and everyone is distracted by their phones or devices.  I want to cry, but I won't deny I do it too... oh the distractions...

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...