Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One or Two

I have been struggling with my thoughts and how to put them into words lately. SO I haven't been as diligent in writing as I should.

I made a decision or two that are out of character. Well - the jury is still out. On one hand, the one guy - I like and have developed feelings and we have a nice time, but it seems to be growing stagnant. Then there's this other guy that's taken an interest, he's peaked my curiosity.

Dilemma. Confusion.

Two took me out and we had a blast. I do enjoy going out, meeting new people and tasting and experiencing life the way it's meant to be - no hold barred.

Now, one is looking to hook up. Two is anxious to hook up. But two's offer is more inviting. I have been seeing one for much longer and there is a bond, though how deep is anyone's guess. One has secrets. And here I thought he'd be the honest guy. Two has secrets, but may be more willing to reveal himself as he's already expressed an interest in a potential relationship. He's also invited me to Miami. And to Bern's.

Wouldnt it be nice for one to step up his game, play like he did in the beginning, maybe he's bored? Two has promise and is giving one a run for his money. One doesn't know about two, and two has vague details on one. Though it was one's idea from get-go to date others. But one hasn't asked. Funny thing - I wonder if one cares?!

SO I'm dating two guys. Yes - most definitely out of character. What to do, what to do??

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