Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pretty reckless

So, I'm feeling pretty reckless today.

I am.  I'm on a high and feeling absolutely sensational, invincible - even.  I've managed to cast aside some bad habits permanently.  And replace them with great new choices, that are much healthier.  I'm going back to my roots, discovering all the things that make me happy and feel like it's a brand new world.  Like a child I'm finding joy in the simplest of things.  I'm finding new hobbies and looking for ways to improve myself.  I don't feel the weight of negativity pulling me down and it's a freedom I haven't felt since I was in my late 20's.  I'm attracting all kinds of wonderful and happiness into my life, right now.  Better choices, better everything.  I feel like I'm about to sprout wings and fly.  Yes - spring is here.  ...... it is without a doubt my favorite time of the year! 

I haven't felt this alive in a long time.  I feel like a ball of energy, even my sleeping habits are changing.  Fate truly does love the fearless!!  I'm finally traveling down that road, I've previously only dreamt about.  I'm making things happen in my life and in turn for the people I love and care for and it feels so good.  I've stopped procrastinating and putting everything off.  I'm always preaching life is a journey, so yeah - why not make my own?!!

Loving myself was the best choice I could make.  I feel empowered.  I feel blessed.  I've opened myself to accepting good things; good luck, happiness, love and light.  Loving myself was one of the hardest things.  I think I was coasting through my life loving everyone else and just hanging on, focused too much on others, situations, my past.  Perhaps, I was what was standing there blocking good things from happening in my life.  And though I could find something positive in many a negative situation, I was blocking good luck and love.  I was suffocating and I needed to breathe.

I've made a lot of drastic changes recently.  Some very difficult and emotionally wrecking choices.  I've still got more to make, but I'm finally breathing.  Sometimes I hurt, but I'm able to breathe and wake up each day and find hundreds of things to be grateful for and excited about in my life, that make my life so worth living.  Learning to love myself is also about learning to love my life.  So what doesn't work, I'm changing.  It's been epic.  The tears I cry now are joyful and happy ones.  It's taken me a while to get here, to find peace within myself.  I'm able to appreciate the smile I see in the mirror now.  I'm still sorting through a few things and there will likely be even more changes in the days and months ahead,  I'm so very excited. 

I'm not seeking anyone's approval anymore, I'm not fighting for approval anymore, I'm not providing explanations for the choices I make anymore, either.  If I don't like something or someone, or the way I was treated - I am speaking up and voicing my opinion.  I want the respect I deserve.  I've fought too hard in my life to get here and I'm not about to let it all go.  Those people that love me and know how much I have to offer, will stand by my side and those that don't, well, I guess that's their choice. 

I feel love in Abundance right now.  I feel the planets and stars have aligned, bestowing celestial gifts in my life.  And because I've opened my heart, changed how I think and how I'm choosing to spend my waking moments - that God is really blessing me.  

I'm not waiting for people to make me happy anymore.  I can't depend on anyone else for my own happiness.  I'd love to share it with someone, but he needs to know happiness and love for himself too.  I've spent most of my adult life loving people that didn't always love back or relied on me to make them happy or fix their life.  And while I'm grateful for the love I've shared, it's been truly unhealthy.  It made me realize things about myself that contributed to this behavior.  So making strides to fix my behavior was paramount. 

I'm still working on things, I'm far from perfect and I'll always be flawed in one varying degree or another.  But for the first time in a really long time, I truly feel worthy of love, even if it's just me loving myself.  Setting aside my negative thoughts over the last several months and finding real and true personal growth have helped me to understand how much I'm worth. 

So yeah, I'm feeling pretty reckless.  I feel like anything can and will happen.  I'm looking at the world not through rose colored glasses but with love and hope brimming around every corner.  Problems offer opportunities and challenges, and I will always need that to continue to grow.  I'm smiling just because I can and because this life I'm creating for myself and the people I love, is amazing.  I'm creating the life I want. 

Yeah - I know, I get it - this is a bit cheesy and maybe even a little silly, I just don't care - I just wanted to share...

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