Friday, November 6, 2015

What is Sexy????

Type in 'what is sexy' next time you're on Google, and you'll have pages of advice and articles of what men think is sexy and a few from women on what's sexy.  Put it to images and then beautiful women fill the pages, mostly models - of course.  Make no mistake, it's all sexy!!  We all love sex.  We all love skin.  We all love seeing beautiful people.  We are a society that thrives on sex, skin and beauty.  And every PR company and advertising agency in the world knows it.

So the first thing to pop up is Victoria's Secret's list of 'what is sexy'.  Or should I say 'who' and the best part is, you can contribute by voting. (nice interactive touch)  Next article is "the science of sexy: 5 things that can make you irresistible'.  The following nine articles are an exchange of what men think is sexy about women.  That's just page one!!  As I quickly scan the page, one of the article statements stands out; 'sexy should be what stirs a man's private parts'.  Yep, that's exactly what it said and I couldn't help but let out a giggle - we trust and read these articles.  We read them and soak them in and absorb all the sordid details we can.  So eager to appeal, so eager to impress, so eager to conform to being what every man thinks is sexy.

How many women, men, girls, and boys read this stuff?  How often?  How much is too much?  How little is too little?  Can just anybody post an article about what's sexy?  What quantifies the legitimacy of these statements?  Who was surveyed or polled?  Did they look for specific demographics?  Are they married or single?  I'm certain many of these writers are legit, with a masters in journalism or such, with articles from Esquire, Cosmopolitan or Huffington Post.  I say legit, because these are magazines we all buy and read, multi-million dollar magazines that have been in circulation forever.  So they must be legit, right?  Could it be that the author wrote what he/she found to be sexy?  Maybe they polled a bunch of personal friends?  Did they go to a college campus?  I have questions.  I want answers. 

I know what I know to be sexy or what I find to be appealing.  I stopped reading stuff like this when I became comfortable with myself.  I know what I like, I know what I want.  I do what makes me happy and makes me feel sexy.  I'm a confident woman.  However, I am also raising young men and a young lady, I have nieces, nephews, god-children and friends with kids.  This stuff still has the potential to confuse any guidance I try to cultivate in the youth I'm surrounded by.  And I'd be a liar to not admit, yes I still peruse and often enjoy reading these types of articles.  Some of this stuff is salacious, funny and intriguing.  I occasionally even learn something.  But I tend to follow myself now, a gut feeling. 

What could make their articles so compelling that we are willing to give ourselves over so easily?  Is it because these are multi-million dollar magazine companies?  Is it that they put beautiful actors/actresses and/or just beautiful people all over the articles, commercials and such??  If all you have to do is put a boy's favorite football player on the cover, he's going to read every word his idol says in print.  Your favorite band - consider any written word completely absorbed.  We find their faces familiar or we think they're beautiful, so we immediately trust the messages.  Am I saying it's all good stuff?  No.  Am I saying it's all bad?  Absolutely not!  But, they are selling something,  and we are obviously buying it.  It's up to us to arrive at our own conclusions. 

There are so many things that appeal to us as women.  For starters, for me personally, if I put on sexy matching bra and panties - it can set the tone of my day.  I feel like a Goddess, I exude confidence just because my undergarments are sexy - even if I'm the only one that knows it.  Follow that with a great hair day and flawless make-up and the right outfit.  I can feel so sexy and confident, nothing can shake it.  Smiling a lot helps, finding humor in everything is sexy.  Do any of these articles discuss what we think is sexy?  Or are we really only going to hear what men have to say?  Don't get me wrong.  Their opinion matters.  Even to feminists - though you'll probably never get a confession from one.  I think we put a lot of focus on what men think is sexy.  And yes, while it's important, I think it's more important for women to feel sexy for themselves.  If they exude sexiness, men will think they're sexy, right?  I don't know.  I want to impress myself these days.  Yes, it's wonderful to be complimented, it strokes the ego.  We need to feel good about ourselves and not worry so much what everybody else thinks. 

I'm 5'8" and I'm voluptuous. (oh she's a fat girl, calling herself voluptuous no - honey, I'm very proud of my body I'm not skinny and I'm not the athlete I once was) but my curves are beautiful and feminine, I feel sexy in my skin and I love being a woman.  I'm not petite, or blonde or blue-eyed or tan or a model.  I'm a tall brunette with an hourglass shape, porcelain fair skin and hazel eyes.  Genetically speaking I've been told I'm blessed, that I'm cross-gender and cross-species sexy, that my confidence and my smile (yes I have a small gap between my front teeth) is amazing.  But like I said, I stopped listening to everyone else and started loving myself some time ago. 

Personally what works for me, may not work for others.  I get it.  Maybe some are more comfortable following trends.  I just think that with how often we are affected by change and how often fashion and trends change, so does sexy - maybe we should look in the mirror and find something to like, learn to love ourselves.  It seems we can be so critical of each other and ourselves.  Funny thing is, what you may find to be something that needs improvement or something you wish you didn't have - someone may find it beautiful and sexy.

Point is - confidence never goes out of style.  I can be having a bad hair day, it's not what I want, but I carry myself with grace and flash a big bright smile and it seems no one notices my hair.  I'm not faking it until I make it either.  If I smile at you, trust it's genuine.  Confidence is SEXY!!  Love yourselves, ladies.  Men will find it sexy.


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