Monday, November 23, 2015

Pre-conceived Notions

What is the Horn's Effect, or the Devil's Effect, or Reverse Halo Effect?  Funny I should ask... It's referred to as one of the ten Amazing Phenomena of a Normal Human Mind. It actually comes in as #6 on the list.  But what is it, you ask??  It's when people allow one undesirable trait to influence their evaluation of other traits.  Branding.  Categorizing.  Allowing a single weak trait to influence perception of all other traits.

Basically, we get judgmental.  It's our nature.  Is this biology or learned behavior, I wonder.  I can't find the answer to this question.  Any one know?

We all have our own inherent moral compass.  If we meet someone and see they possess a trait we find unsavory, we have a tendency to naturally think they have other negative traits.  We don't even give people an opportunity.

For example.  A friend of a friend was introduced to me.  A little background, I had been previously informed this person cheated on their significant other.  So without giving them a real chance or knowing any other details than what I had been told, I came to an immediate conclusion.  Judgmental, wouldn't you say?  Here's the thing.  The more I was exposed to this person and learned more about them, the more I found I liked them.  I learned the how and why behind the 'cheating' and other things that had gravely impacted their lives.  It became more of a they made their choices, based on their life.  It had nothing at all to do with what I envision is right or wrong.  I learned an invaluable lesson.  We shouldn't allow one negative thing to become the sole reason for assuming everything else is negative.  Look at me, growing.  Being forced to look at my own mistakes and grow from them.  Just another glorious moment in my journey.

Will I always do this?  I don't know.  I'm going to try my hardest to keep it forever in my head when I meet new people or especially people I've never met, but have heard 'things'.  I think everyone deserves at least, that opportunity.  I'm going to set aside my own selfish need to judge.  Even though psychology states this is a normal function for the human mind, I'm going to pull back and try to remove any preconceived notions. 

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