Monday, November 16, 2015

How fitting!!!

You don't know the half of it.

I have a restless mind.  I do.  I can cover a lot of subject matter in a short period of time.  And it only gets worse when I'm alone with my thoughts.  I don't know if my friends and family truly understand the struggle.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a victim (except of my own crazed thoughts) and I'm certainly not suffering in any way shape or form.  BUT - I could stand to take some vitamins that might aid my memory and slow things down a little.  Truth be told, I've never been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and I'm no doctor - but I'm pretty sure my friends and family would confirm the possibility. 

I've been researching alternatives to medication, however.  I'd like to try some better ways to corral my thoughts, other than self-medicating.  To be Honest... I wasn't really all that surprised to find that Restless Mind Syndrome is an actual diagnosis.  I wonder how it's quantified?... but before I take off on that psychological tangent, I'm going to redirect myself.

I think friends and family find me flaky, because I can and often do get a little bajiggity.  Especially when imbibing in certain recreational activities, such as alcohol, etc... that only serves to make it appear worse.  SO now I'm much more of an idiot, though thankfully my friends and family are all very forgiving and patient.  Once upon a time, I had a photographic memory.  I was a pretty smart cookie, in my studies, in how eloquently I spoke or wrote, and could easily quote my favorite poets or excerpts from my favorite books.  I'm lucky these days if I remember what I did the day before.  You laugh, but it's that's a real true statement.  (four concussions can do that to you)

In my journey to help my brain function on a more appealing level for me - I came across an article from a blogger with HuffPost Healthy Living by: Jasmine Boussem;  "7 Ways to Get Rid of the Restless Mind Syndrome (RMS)".  As I quickly scanned the page, I found one of the seven to be very interesting, 'Kaizen'.  It's a Sino-Japanese word, that means 'change for better'.  It was one of the obvious seven, but a mystery to me - as I had never heard of it before.  I, of course began to research and was immediately intrigued. 

Nothing out of the ordinary.  Essentially speaking to the obvious.  A daily drive to self-improvement.  Small steps that ultimately lead to changes on a bigger scale.  Basically by making these tiny daily steps for the greater good it would have a hand in altering those larger things we seem unable to really get a handle on - but you're slowly chipping away at it.  How is this done?  I'm sorting through that on my own.  Obviously I'd need to plan according my life and issues.  But I feel its a positive step in the right direction.

Maybe friends and family will find me less flaky??  Maybe they won't.  It's really not about them anyway, it's about me.  My journey, my road to self-improvement. 

I have a restless mind.  It wanders in and out the open doors of the great oblivion.  Just as quickly as you think I'm here - I'm gone.  My mind it travels fast, I'd wager faster than the speed of light at times. I struggle to sleep - I can't shut out my thoughts or shut off my mind.  It's like a black hole.  Except everything bounces off and boomerangs back at me.  Things are forever lost and then 'poof' it there - just wrong place, wrong time.  My brain could drown in how quickly it's flooded, I can't process it all at the same time.  This is when it's best for me to keep my lips closed and not make a fool of myself.  It's also quite often when I think I'm on the brink of genius and then I'm just as surprised as everyone else by what does come out of my mouth.  Sometimes it's good.  Sometimes.

I long for the quiet.  I long for sleep.  I long for the ability to process thoughts intimately and individually.  I long to put them in pecking order and in a place where I can quickly draw and call upon them, when they're actually needed. I want to let go of the propensity to project negativity when I can't do this.  I'd love for all the other thoughts that hit me at cosmic speed to slow down on approach.  I'd like to not muddle a current event with sexual thought or innuendo.  Okay - no, I find that entertaining, so yeah - never-mind on the last sentence.

I don't really need to make sense of every single solitary thought I have.  Maybe it's just who I am.  Maybe I am all over the map.  Maybe I did care but now I've sorted it some of it out writing and now I really don't care.  Or maybe... squirrel.  

How fitting!


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