Thursday, September 24, 2015

Telepathic Lust?
Intriguing article, I don't recall how I happened across it.  Still, there was no way I'd pass up reading it, not with a title like,  'Lust Telepathy: An Unexplored Psychological Phenomenon', how could I resist?

Needing to cogitate on the power lust has over us.  I spoiled myself!  Lust Telepathy is described as an addiction that is triggered by our brains, rivaling the use of amphetamines and/or snorting a bag of cocaine.  WOW - that's some powerful stuff!  (Mind you brain scans were done during this study, so let's take a few moments to appreciate how they may have recruited)

On to that effervescent honeymoon phase, where all you want to do is entertain risqué adult behavior with every single opportunity that presents itself.  It's all either of you can think about.  It's all consuming.  This is where the psychology comes in to play - 'Hyper-Attunement' is the terminology used for this telepathic connection.  You're thinking of them, when they're thinking of you.  A mutual bonding implies there's magic attached with the connection.  The intensity of this bond, is similar to that of the high when using drugs. 

Then there's a release of hormones that "quell" this glee and prep or catapult us into the next phase of the relationship(staying power).  The tie that binds for some couples and/or the end for others.  Let me throw a little of my own ideology at you - this is where we say, "the honeymoon phase is over."  Some couples will go on and maintain a healthy sex life for a period of time, allowing a natural death for this telepathic lust (the other party or both parties lose the 'magic' ability to read the other's mind).  Some couples will go on to explore beyond this phase (freaks, but no judgment here).  And then, some couples will move into a more comfortable phase, I like to call this - nesting.  This doesn't mean the sex is any less intoxicating or thrilling, however I do believe there's more rooted to this connection, and it goes much deeper than the inordinate pleasures of sexual activities. 

Lust is 'your' need to satisfy your 'own' desire. 
Lust:  noun 1. intense sexual desire or appetite. 2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness. 3. a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually followed by for): a lust for power.4. ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life. 5. Obsolete. pleasure or delight. desire; inclination; wish. verb (used without object) 6. to have intense sexual desire. 7. to have a yearning or desire; have a strong or excessive craving (often followed by for or after).
Sometimes, the right person happens along and it all magically comes together so you're working synonymously with the same vigor and enthusiasm.  This is not love, my friends.  And if you're addicted to this phase - you're a lust addict.  Lust is a need to satisfy your own carnal desire.  The elation you feel is because you found someone on the same page - equally attracted and equally satiating.  It is very compelling, because we all know, it doesn't happen all the time.  Certain people just possess that chemical and psychological make up that pairs perfectly with you.  Creating passion, desire and lust with unparalleled emotions. 

Perhaps, this is why so many people believe they've fallen in love?   Or hold on tight to that one partner that 'rocks their world'.  We're all guilty....

I think this may be just another form of projection. (think of the scene in '40 Days and 40 Nights', Josh Hartnett is in the street and all he can see is naked and half naked women everywhere. His brain is saturated with the single solitary thought of sex).  So our thoughts become consumed by sexual desire and therefore everything that we hear or see also becomes relative to sex. 

Our sexual encounter with this individual was bliss, we want more, and so do they - it's coincidental projection.  Both parties are uniformly projecting a heightened compulsion (if you will) to engage in lusty, delightful, sexual cravings.  It is a phenomena.  You become addicted to the rush, the connection, the chemistry, the smell, the taste, the euphoria.  Not only is the coitus powerful, but the sparks flying behind the magnitude of this feeling build-up and are stacked against you.  Chemistry does not lie.  Desire, Lust, Fervor.

How long are you able to practice restraint?  Can you refrain from indulging in this exquisite treat and addictive natural drug?   Maybe.  But honestly, why on earth would you ever want to resist?

article reference: Dr. Belisa Vranich Clinical Psychologist; Author, 'Breathe: 14 days to Oxygenating, Recharging, and Fueling Your Body & Brain'; Advisory Board Member, The Hope & Grace Initiative...The HuffPost. Healthy Living. The Blog. Lust Telepathy: An Unexplored Psychological Phenomena

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