Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Why is it so impossible to think that maybe, just maybe, after all that your heart has endured - that something real could happen?

Why when everything is falling into place and everything feels right do we begin to question it? We start to pick at it, trying to chip away, searching for negatives or hidden agenda's or alterior motives? Why can't we just go with the flow and allow something good to come into our lives? Are we ever truly open for the love and happiness we seem to so eagerly await?

How do we learn to drop our defenses? How do we learn to let go of the past? Why be suspicious and question the intentions of someone that treats you the way you deserve? Because they show a genuine interest, we start to second guess ourselves and our own worth. Surely, this can't be right! All kinds of pain surfaces and we begin to shut down before something beautiful can be let in.

At what cost are we willing to risk it all? Everything feels so right, (unlike anything before) and you've thrown yourself passionately into a million other things. Things that didn't mean as much and ultimately wouldn't matter. This could change everything, it could be epic. Just let go. Just fall. It could be everything you've hoped and wished for and more.

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...