Thursday, August 26, 2010

Making an Overstatement

A friend recently asked a man why older men aren't interested in women her age, why do they seek out younger women. The two are around the same age, lower 50's. (though to look at her - you couldn't tell) His response was shameful.

Women his age have excessive baggage, because most have been in and out of failed relationships or married and/or divorced, they stand to be bitter, they're expectations higher. They know what they want and due to life experience they also know what they don't want. They want a man to be on time and if he's going to be late or a no show, then he needs to call. He needs to show his affections demonstratively and constantly check-in. A younger woman doesn't know any better. She doesn't care if he doesn't call when he's late, she's more forgiving (whatever the circumstance), she doesn't want to check-in all the time so she's not checking up on him all the time. Younger women are more open to learn from an older man, which is certainly more preferable to being told what to do.

After hearing this, I was aghast at his honesty but also at his immaturity. Essentially he is saying a younger woman is easier to control. Baffled, bewildered and beside myself. So it got me thinking...I know younger women that have a lot going for them and would never allow a man to control them. Age is irrelevent unless that's just a bullshit facade for the fact that he just wants a younger woman because it's younger body, it's the flesh. I could be wrong. I hope I am. Women are beautiful. I've seen women in their 40's with better bodies than a 20 year old and vice versa. Does age really have that great a bearing?

First, a woman confident in herself and happy with where she is in her life, regardless of her age will know what she does and does not want. Despite failed relationships if she's found a way to come to terms with herself, she's already dealt with repercussions, self-discovery and self reflection. This is just this kind of bogus negative perspective and attitude that runs rampant in men's minds. (not all men think this way)

Has man's moral compass completely gone to hell? Women with strong conviction, personal growth and perserverance, fierce independence and confidence are no longer sexy? Because we can take care of ourselves, or our children, work full time, come home and cook, clean, do laundry, find time for friends and still look like we spent all day at the spa >> you'd rather find a girl you can push around? Maybe I'm wrong, but if a woman can do all of that on her own - wouldn't you want a woman that knows who she is? Wouldn't it be better to have someone add to your life as opposed to being needed or be with someone needy? This can't be right!!

So what does that say for the younger man that would rather date the older woman? Is that just some Mrs. Robinson phase some men go through as a right of passage for coming of age only to revert back to the younger females because they're curiosity has been satiated? I can't buy that either.

Seems like we'd be better off not generalizing males or females. Individually we're all unique, we don't all think alike even as a gender. Even when bonding with the same gender you can't use labels. You just can't.

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It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...