Saturday, July 29, 2023

Light my Fire

Why do people do that? Why do they try to silence you when you’re filled with fire  talking about your favorite things? Don’t cut people off in a peak moment of passion, expressing themselves through  something  they love. 

I was always dulling myself down so others could be more comfortable, for whatever reason  they just couldn’t appreciate the enthusiasm I could have for the many things that set my soul on fire. If I cannot be myself with someone, simply put - I don’t want it.

It’s a privilege to see someone get excited about something they love, even if it’s not something we understand. So why do so many people shut others down when they’re spilling over and gushing about what gives them cause to be excited about life? 

Learning to love myself has taught me there are a few things I love about me and I love when I am spirited. I love when I fall in love with the little details that ignite my interest and fire. 

Don’t go quietly, fill the room with fire from your energy. Suffocate the sheep, fuck comfort zones and walking on egg shells. I’m not going to be quieted, you’re discomfort with my elation is not my problem, it’s your problem. 

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