Friday, October 14, 2022

Taste for blood

I’m not a badass bitch.
I’m a warrior and a survivor, 
I’m a goddess and a caregiver.

I turn my pain into 

whatever I have to turn it into, 

to push through.

I am there for the people I love

and I rise again and again 

to help those, 

that just need a little kindness.

I am tired, I am bleeding out,

I’m irrevocably scarred.

I don’t want to just survive, 

I don’t want to have to keep

picking up my sword.

I keep taking hit after hit,

I’m getting a taste for my own blood.

I feel my bones breaking,

and my psyche and soul shattering.

This isn’t rock bottom,

this is six feet under.

I’m not living, I’m coping. 

and I don’t know 

how much longer

the taste of my own blood 

will save me.

I am becoming a monster.

I am becoming dangerous.

I am breathing fire.

If I don’t fall apart and die,

I may develop a taste

for someone else’s blood.

I need to live,

and I don’t remember how.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

I’ll tenderly kiss every one of your scars

And consume your soul while sucking your dick

Do not underestimate me


It will all be okay, it will.  I don’t know how, but I do know it will be okay. It may not be what we all think it should be, but it will be...